Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sex and the city 2 - still sexy?

Sex and the City: Original Motion Picture Soun...
Last Sunday I went to watch “Sex and the city 2”, while my sweet husband stayed home and took care of the baby. Lucky me!

I didn’t really have any high expectations of the movie, since I have seen the first one, which I thought, was bad. Besides that almost every reviews of the new movie were not good. But I was positively surprised. "Sex and the city 2" is not so awful as many critics and bloggers claimed. I actually think that number 2 is better than number 1.
The first movie lacked the essence of the series. After all: the title is called “Sex and the city” and not “Love and the city” or “Carrie and her friends”, so sex and NY should be a big part of the plot. But the writers seemed to have forgotten that and nothing much happened. In my opinion there were too much products replacement and fashion show.
This is also the case in the new movie and NY only plays a minor role. But at least the humor and the sex are back. I missed that in “Sex and the city 1”.

I must admit that some scenes in the sequel were unrealistic and vulgar. In real life how many women would get a big diamond ring from their husband after telling him that you had kissed your old ex-boyfriend? (Maybe a swinger would…). And not to mention the description of the Arabs that was not very fair to them or to us as audience. How stupid do they think we are?
However, one of the good things about "Sex and the city 2" is that it does break down some taboos in the Western society. First, I am sure that many mums (as me) go around and feel guilty, because we sometimes secretly wish our freedom back. Only a mother understands, how hard it is to take care of a baby/child, but not many of us can actually talk about it without feeling that we are being judged? The reality is that being a mum is a 24 hours job and we also need to have a break and some me time. Those who says otherwise is lying or has a full-time babysitter (like Charlotte and Miranda. So what are they complaining about???).

The age thing is another taboo "Sex and the city 2" is dealing with. It was and still is a fact that women lose their value as a woman, when they are over a certain age. I read some blogs and reviews regarding the movie which show how judgmental many (even other women) are, when it comes to older women and sex/fashion. They pointed out that Carrie & company were too old to show their breasts and wear some of the clothes. Instead the women should know their age etc.
I can’t help thinking why they care so much and why is it a problem? Why is there something wrong with an older woman feeling attractive and enjoying her sexuality? Why does it provoke people?
In my opinion this is just another kind of (female) oppression. Dictating what older women can do and not. Don't we all have the right to express ourselves? (Well, according to somebody we don't.)
I really hope that I will feel liberated from this kind of bullshit, when it is my turn...

P.s. Carrie is still annoying…but I am still looking forward to "Sex and the city 3".

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